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Lithograph engraving on the signatures of 1928 (sovereigns)
Lithograph engraving on the signatures of 1928 (sovereigns)
- Color :
- black
- Material :
- paper
- Style :
- vintage
Lithograph engraving on the signatures of sovereigns, statesmen, men of war and famous women (original), vellum paper, extracted from a larousse encyclopedia by claude augé. 💎 all lithographs and cards in this account are originals and not copies. Another lithograph on the signatures of scholars, writers and artists also available on this account. Date: publication of the book between 1928 and 1933. Dimensions: 24 X 31 cm. To be framed. Deco, decoration, vintage, gift idea and country house. Autograph celebrity anne of brittany henri IV danton louis XIV charles VI turenne de malesherbes.
Mathilde S.
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