
Mid-Century Modern Swedish "Shrubbery" Vintage Semi-Abstract Landscape Oil Painting, Framed


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Dimensions :
H36 x W44
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An expressive mid-century semi-abstract landscape composition, executed in oil onto board. The painting’s central focus is a row of shrubs that stand proudly in the foreground, their forms rendered in bold strokes of rich forest green. Behind the row of shrubs lies a plane of greenery that has been confidently executed with expressive and rhythmic brushstrokes, followed by a view of mountains that extend to the horizon. Painted in a semi-abstract manner, all realistic details have been omitted and the artist has skilfully used planes of contrasting colours and distinct brushwork to demonstrate a sense of depth. This oil on board is complementary gilt frame with an inner linen border. Both painting and frame are in excellent vintage condition. Size: 36 X 44 cm (including frame).

🇬🇧 Saira K.
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