Ramekin rectangular chiseled glass type butter dish

main image
Ramekin rectangular chiseled glass type butter dish
Dimensions :
H4 x W15 x D5
Color :
Material :
glass and crystal
Style :

Ramequin butter maker in chiseled glass. They are of the period, so they have marks of the past. Size: Length 14, 5cm. Width 4, 5cm. Height 3.5cm. Mass = 0.3kg. Price =5€+fdp. We can broc, flea market and decoration advice, offers you a bunch of little sisters at this ad, so if you feel like it, look at our wecanbroc profile. #ramequin #ravier #apéritif #apéro #beurre #beurrier. #brocante #upcycling #vintage #vintagestyle #wecanbroc #broc #brocantestyle #retourdechine #decoration #déco #retourdebroc #decointerieur #home #rétro #idf #ideedeco #homdecor #vintagehome #mobiliervintage #brocanteenligne #homemade #appartement #maison #relooking #relookingmeuble #parisien #vintagedesign #bois #riendeneuf #cocooning #chineaddict #secondevie #passionvintage #secondemain #chiner #videgrenierenligne #charmedelancien. #artdeco #années #30 #40 #50 #60 #70 #compas #scandinave #industriel. #tabledenuit #table #chaise #bureau #buffet #salon # dishes#porcelaine #apothicaire #salleamanger #cuisine #lampe #eclairage #armoire #chevet #miroir #meuble #baladeuse #baladeusevintage #luminaire #miroirancien #rangement #lifestyle.

🇫🇷 Laurie G. Professional
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